Interface > Master #6

MassiveAtoms merged 3 commits from interface into master 2019-07-08 22:25:48 +00:00
18 changed files with 128 additions and 125 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 312a27521c - Show all commits

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ IndentWidth: 4
Language: Cpp
PointerAlignment: Left
ColumnLimit: 80
ColumnLimit: 100
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AlignTrailingComments: true
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true

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@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
#include "headers/Customer.h"
// constructors
Customer::Customer(string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_)
: name{name_}, vehicle{vehicle_}, password{hash_password(password_)} {
id = auto_increment_db() + 1;
Customer::Customer(string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_, string telephone_)
: id{auto_increment_db() + 1},
telephone{telephone_} {
Customer::Customer(int id_, string name_, string password_,
Vehicle_type vehicle_, vector<Park_time> instances)
Customer::Customer(int id_, string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_,
vector<Park_time> instances, string telephone_)
: id{id_},
park_instances{instances} {}
telephone{telephone_} {}
// clock in/out methods
// ====================================================================================
@ -31,41 +36,27 @@ void Customer::clock_out(int s_id) {
bool Customer::parked() {
if (!park_instances.size()){
if (!park_instances.size()) {
return false;
if ((park_instances[park_instances.size() - 1].duration)) {
// if duration of the last parktime == 0, meaning
// that the customer has not clocked out
return false;
else {
} else {
return true;
int Customer::parked_at(){
return park_instances[park_instances.size() - 1].spot_id;
// report gen
void Customer::gen_monthly() {
cout << "NAME: " << name << "\n";
cout << "-------------------------------------------------\n";
for (auto& i : park_instances) {
// TODO: need some logic to only include from this month. scratch that,
// need to remove gen monthly
cout << i;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
int Customer::parked_at() { return park_instances[park_instances.size() - 1].spot_id; }
// functions that interact with the database
void Customer::save_db() {
string statement{"insert into Customer values (, '', '', );"};
string statement{"insert into Customer values (, '', '', , );"};
// after ( = 28)
statement.insert(40, telephone);
statement.insert(38, to_string(int(vehicle)));
statement.insert(36, password);
statement.insert(32, name);
@ -77,11 +68,15 @@ void Customer::save_db() {
void Customer::update_db() {
string statement =
"UPDATE Customer SET name = '', card_code = '' where id = '';";
statement.insert(58, to_string(id));
statement.insert(44, password);
"UPDATE Customer SET name = '', password = '', "
"vehicle = '', telephone = '' where id = '';";
statement.insert(87, to_string(id));
statement.insert(73, telephone);
statement.insert(57, to_string(int(vehicle)));
statement.insert(43, password);
statement.insert(28, name);
cout << statement;
// data::db.exec(statement);
void Customer::delete_db() {

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void interface_member(vector<Park_spot>& spots) {
case 2: {
cout << "Has not been implemented yet\n";
@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ void interface_admin(vector<Park_spot>& spots) {
cout << "[3] See monthly report of a specific parking spot\n";
cout << "[4] See weekly report of a specific parking spot\n";
cout << "[5] See current status of parking spots\n";
cout << "option[1-5]:";
cout << "[6] Make new customer\n";
cout << "option[1-6]:";
int option;
cin >> option;
switch (option) {
@ -92,6 +93,12 @@ void interface_admin(vector<Park_spot>& spots) {
case 5: {
case 6: {
case 7: {
@ -122,9 +129,8 @@ void park(Customer& c, vector<Park_spot>& spots) {
} else {
<< "You are parked at spot " << c.parked_at()
<< ", do you want to clock out?\n enter [1] for yes and [0] for no";
cout << "You are parked at spot " << c.parked_at()
<< ", do you want to clock out?\n enter [1] for yes and [0] for no";
int answer = 0;
cin >> answer;
if (answer) {
@ -135,3 +141,28 @@ void park(Customer& c, vector<Park_spot>& spots) {
void new_customer() {
int vtype;
string name;
string password;
string telephone;
cout << "What's the name of the customer? ";
cin >> name;
cout << "What's the vehicle type? [1]twoweeler, [2] fourweeler: ";
cin >> vtype;
cout << "What's the telephone number? ";
cin >> telephone;
cout << "What's the password? ";
cin >> password;
Customer newcustomer{name, password, Vehicle_type(vtype), telephone};
cout << "New customer sucessfully created\n";
void new_parkspot(vector<Park_spot>& spots) {
cout << "What type of parking spot? [1] twoweeler, [2] fourweeler: ";
int vtype;
Park_spot newspot{Vehicle_type(vtype)};
cout << "new parking spot sucessfully created.\n";

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@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ Park_spot::Park_spot(Vehicle_type v_type_)
Park_spot::Park_spot(int id_, bool taken_, int parked,Vehicle_type v_type_)
Park_spot::Park_spot(int id_, bool taken_, int parked, Vehicle_type v_type_)
: parked_customer{parked},
taken{taken_} // TODO: think about how init parked?
// clock in en out, calls de juist(in/out) van de customer aan de hand van
// internal state van taken
void Park_spot::clock(Customer& c_customer) {
@ -34,8 +33,7 @@ void Park_spot::clock(Customer& c_customer) {
// --------------------- db functs
void Park_spot::update_db() {
string statement =
"UPDATE Park_spot SET taken = '', customer_id = '' where id = '';";
string statement = "UPDATE Park_spot SET taken = '', customer_id = '' where id = '';";
statement.insert(63, to_string(id));
if (taken) {
statement.insert(49, to_string(parked_customer));

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@ -17,14 +17,11 @@ Park_time::Park_time(int c_id, int s_id)
this one initializes with data from the database. should probably only be used in the query functions.
this one initializes with data from the database. should probably only be used in the query
Park_time::Park_time(int id_, int customer_id_, int spot_id_, int start_,
int duration_)
: id{id_},
duration{duration_} {
Park_time::Park_time(int id_, int customer_id_, int spot_id_, int start_, int duration_)
: id{id_}, customer_id{customer_id_}, spot_id{spot_id_}, duration{duration_} {
start = time_point<system_clock>(seconds(start_));
end = time_point<system_clock>(seconds(start_ + duration_));
@ -48,8 +45,7 @@ void Park_time::clock_out(int c_id, int s_id) {
if (!duration) {
end = high_resolution_clock::now();
duration =
duration_cast<seconds>(end - start).count(); // use mins later
duration = duration_cast<seconds>(end - start).count(); // use mins later
} else {
@ -97,8 +93,7 @@ void Park_time::save_db() {
// same as above
void Park_time::update_db() {
string statement =
"UPDATE Park_time SET end = , duration = where id = '';";
string statement = "UPDATE Park_time SET end = , duration = where id = '';";
statement.insert(53, to_string(id));
statement.insert(40, to_string(duration));
statement.insert(27, to_string(start_to_int() + duration));
@ -115,7 +110,6 @@ int Park_time::auto_increment_db() {
return id;
//------------------ test function to help test this
void Wait(int sec)

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@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ vector<Park_time> query_parktimes_for_customer(int cid) {
vector<Park_time> park_times;
SQLite::Statement query(data::db,
"SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE customer_id = ?;");
SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE customer_id = ?;");
query.bind(1, cid);
while (query.executeStep()) {
int id = query.getColumn(0);
@ -33,18 +32,18 @@ vector<Customer> query_customer_with_name(string name) {
2. multiple customers could be returned with the same name.
vector<Customer> result;
SQLite::Statement query(
"SELECT id, name, password, vehicle FROM Customer WHERE name = ?;");
SQLite::Statement query(data::db,
"SELECT id, name, password, vehicle FROM Customer WHERE name = ?;");
query.bind(1, name);
while (query.executeStep()) {
int id = query.getColumn(0);
string name_ = query.getColumn(1);
string password = query.getColumn(2);
int vehicle = query.getColumn(3); // cast to vehicle
string telephone = query.getColumn(4);
vector<Park_time> park_instances = query_parktimes_for_customer(id);
id, name_, password, Vehicle_type(vehicle), park_instances});
Customer{id, name_, password, Vehicle_type(vehicle), park_instances, telephone});
return result;
@ -63,9 +62,9 @@ Customer query_customer_with_id(int id) {
string name = query.getColumn(1);
string password = query.getColumn(2);
int vehicle = query.getColumn(3); // cast to vehicle
string telephone = query.getColumn(4);
vector<Park_time> park_instances = query_parktimes_for_customer(id);
Customer result{
id, name, password, Vehicle_type(vehicle), park_instances};
Customer result{id, name, password, Vehicle_type(vehicle), park_instances, telephone};
// cout << "{" << << "," <<result.password <<"," <<
// int(vehicle) << "}\n";
@ -86,16 +85,17 @@ Park_spot query_parkspot_with_id(int id, vector<Park_spot>& parkspots) {
void reports_from_parkspot(int spotid, bool weekly) {
std::time_t t = std::time(0); // get time now
std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t);
int s_since_epoch = ((now->tm_year - 70) * 365.2425 * 24 * 3600) +
(now->tm_mon * 30.436875 * 24 * 3600);
if (weekly){
s_since_epoch += ((now->tm_mday/ 7) * 24 * 3600);
if (weekly) {
now->tm_wday = 1;
} else {
now->tm_mday = 1;
int s_since_epoch = mktime(now);
vector<Park_time> park_times;
SQLite::Statement query(
data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE spot_id = ? AND start > ?;");
SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE spot_id = ? AND start > ?;");
query.bind(1, spotid);
query.bind(2, s_since_epoch);
while (query.executeStep()) {
@ -113,19 +113,19 @@ void reports_from_parkspot(int spotid, bool weekly) {
void reports_from_allparkspots(bool weekly) {
std::time_t t = std::time(0); // get time now
std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t);
int s_since_epoch = ((now->tm_year - 70) * 365.2425 * 24 * 3600) +
(now->tm_mon * 30.436875 * 24 * 3600);
if (weekly){
s_since_epoch += ((now->tm_mday/ 7) * 24 * 3600);
if (weekly) {
now->tm_wday = 1;
} else {
now->tm_mday = 1;
int s_since_epoch = mktime(now);
vector<Park_time> park_times;
SQLite::Statement query(
data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE start > ?;");
SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE start > ?;");
query.bind(1, s_since_epoch);
while (query.executeStep()) {
int id = query.getColumn(0);
@ -143,15 +143,12 @@ void reports_from_allparkspots(bool weekly) {
void current_status_parkspots(vector<Park_spot>& spots){
for(auto& i : spots){
void current_status_parkspots(vector<Park_spot>& spots) {
for (auto& i : spots) {
cout << "---------------------------\n";
cout << "PS #" << << "\n";
cout << "Taken: " << ((i.taken) ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
if (i.taken){
if (i.taken) {
cout << "Customer#" << i.parked_customer << " parked there\n";

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@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ SQLite::Database start_db() {
Opens the database, creates it if it can't find the file.
SQLite::Database db("test.db3",
SQLite::Database db("test.db3", SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE | SQLite::OPEN_CREATE);
while (sodium_init() < 0) {
std::cout << "SODIUM NOT WORKING";
@ -17,11 +16,9 @@ SQLite::Database start_db() {
with any libsodium function.
//sql syntax is surprisingly readable.
"create table if not exists Customer (id integer primary key, name "
"text, password text, vehicle int)");
// getting errors when using bool, so i used an int instead.
"text, password text, vehicle int, telephone text)");
"create table if not exists Park_spot (id integer primary key, taken "
"int, customer_id int, vehicle_type int)");

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@ -15,11 +15,8 @@ string hash_password(string password) {
int memory_limit = 3.2e+7; // 3.2e7 = 32e6 = 32 mb
int cpu_limit = 1; // this is n_threads
int result = crypto_pwhash_str(hashed_password_,
int result =
crypto_pwhash_str(hashed_password_, password_, strlen(password_), cpu_limit, memory_limit);
string hashed_password{hashed_password_};
return hashed_password;
@ -32,8 +29,7 @@ bool verify_password(string hashed_password, string unhashed_password) {
const char* password_ = unhashed_password.c_str();
const char* hashed_password_ = hashed_password.c_str();
if (crypto_pwhash_str_verify(
hashed_password_, password_, strlen(password_)) != 0) {
if (crypto_pwhash_str_verify(hashed_password_, password_, strlen(password_)) != 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ hood, it's still an int. This is here so you won't have to have global variables
for these categories, or worse, use magic numbers in the code.
enum class Vehicle_type { bike = 1, small_car = 2, suv = 3, pickup = 4 };
enum class Vehicle_type { twoweeler = 1, fourweeler = 2 };
Customer constructors do the same stuff as all the other constructors.
@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ class Customer {
int id;
string name;
string password;
Customer(string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_);
Vehicle_type vehicle;
string telephone;
Customer(string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_, string telephone_);
Customer(int id_, string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_,
vector<Park_time> instances);
vector<Park_time> instances, string telephone_);
void clock_in(int s_id);
void clock_out(int s_id);
bool parked();
@ -49,9 +51,6 @@ class Customer {
void update_db();
void delete_db();
void gen_monthly();
Vehicle_type vehicle;
vector<Park_time> park_instances;
void save_db();

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@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
#include "Query.h"
using std::cin;
void interface(vector<Park_spot>& spots);
void interface_member(vector<Park_spot>& spots);
void interface_admin(vector<Park_spot>& spots);
void park(Customer& c, vector<Park_spot>& spots);
void new_customer();
void new_parkspot(vector<Park_spot>& spots);

View File

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
#include "data.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
using namespace std::chrono;
using std::cout;
@ -32,21 +32,21 @@ operator<< is << overload, can(should) be used for report generation.
// implementation stuff------------------------
start and end are time points representing when someone clocks in and out. they're from the chrono namespace.
start and end are time points representing when someone clocks in and out. they're from the chrono
save and update save and update info in the database.
auto_increment pulls the highest id stored in the db, to be used in the constructor.
start_to_int() is used to convert the start timepoint to an integer that can be saved in the database
SQL datetime and chrono datetime don't seem the most compatible.
start_to_int() is used to convert the start timepoint to an integer that can be saved in the
database SQL datetime and chrono datetime don't seem the most compatible.
class Park_time {
Park_time(int c_id, int s_id);
Park_time(int id_, int customer_id_, int spot_id_, int start_,
int duration_);
Park_time(int id_, int customer_id_, int spot_id_, int start_, int duration_);
int id;
int customer_id;
int spot_id;
@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ class Park_time {
int start_to_int(); // helper
//test funciton
// test funciton
void Wait(int sec);
#endif // Park_time

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@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ finally{
do more stuff
3. Ya boi needs to brush up on how to create custom exceptions class, and it will complicate code furhter.
3. Ya boi needs to brush up on how to create custom exceptions class, and it will complicate code
@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ vector<Park_spot> populate_spots();
Park_spot query_parkspot_with_id(int id, vector<Park_spot>& parkspots);
void reports_from_parkspot(int spotid, bool weekly=false);
void reports_from_allparkspots(bool weekly=false);
void reports_from_parkspot(int spotid, bool weekly = false);
void reports_from_allparkspots(bool weekly = false);
void current_status_parkspots(vector<Park_spot>& spots);
#endif // CUSTOMER_H

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@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ using std::string;
hash_password takes the password, and encrypts it. This needs to be done,
because storing passwords in plaintext is BAD!
verify_password takes in a password and the hashed password, and then does magic encryption stuff(no, not
really. It basically hashes the password with the same salt and other
parameters) and to see if the password stored and the given password match.
verify_password takes in a password and the hashed password, and then does magic encryption
stuff(no, not really. It basically hashes the password with the same salt and other parameters) and
to see if the password stored and the given password match.
string hash_password(string password);

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@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
#include "headers/Interface.h"
Code structure is like this:
1. encrypt.cpp en /header/encrypt.h contain functions to hash passwords and
@ -52,8 +49,6 @@ int main() {
// er is een customer met id 1(testcustomer) met password "password"

oldtest.db3 Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.