#include "headers/bigheader.h" string hash_password(string password) { /* Passing strings and converting to char* because I do not want to be forced to use char * whenever the function is called. Low level stuff in the function, the least possible low level stuff outside. This uses the password hashing algorithm Argon2 implemented by libsodium. DO NOT MODIFY memory_limit and cpu_limit after you add customers to the db. When you do that, the hashed passwords can't be decrypted, and that would be BAD. */ const char* password_ = password.c_str(); char hashed_password_[crypto_pwhash_STRBYTES]; int memory_limit = 3.2e+7; // 3.2e7 = 32e6 = 32 mb int cpu_limit = 1; // this somewhat resembles n_threads, but is not a 1 to 1 match. int result = crypto_pwhash_str(hashed_password_, password_, strlen(password_), cpu_limit, memory_limit); string hashed_password{hashed_password_}; return hashed_password; } bool verify_password(string hashed_password, string unhashed_password) { /* this verifies the password. It's encryption magic and don't question it. */ const char* password_ = unhashed_password.c_str(); const char* hashed_password_ = hashed_password.c_str(); if (crypto_pwhash_str_verify(hashed_password_, password_, strlen(password_)) != 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } namespace data { SQLite::Database start_db() { /* Opens the database, creates it if it can't find the file. Then creates tables if they don't exist */ SQLite::Database db("test.db3", SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE | SQLite::OPEN_CREATE); while (sodium_init() < 0) { std::cout << "SODIUM NOT WORKING"; /* This shouldn't be here, really, but I can't think of a better place where it runs at least once. This seeds the random generator needed for salts and other stuff, and needs to be run at least once when working with any libsodium function. And since this definitely needs to be run at least once, why not include it here? you can't (well, shouldn't be able to) login into anything if this doesn't run, since you need to compare passwords to login, and then running the program is as futile as not opening the db correctly. */ } db.exec( "create table if not exists Customer (id integer primary key, name " "text, password text, vehicle int, telephone text, role int)"); db.exec( "create table if not exists Park_spot (id integer primary key, taken " "int, customer_id int, vehicle_type int)"); db.exec( "create table if not exists Park_time (id integer primary key, " "customer_id int, spot_id int, start int, end int, duration int)"); return db; } } // namespace data /* initializes everything, id is auto incremented from what's stored in the db. inmediately saves to db upon creation. Also, this weird syntax is called an initializer list, and is the preffered method of how to initialize members. It has a measurable performance increase because it uses move semantics instead of copy semantics. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/when-do-we-use-initializer-list-in-c/ */ Park_time::Park_time(int c_id, int s_id) : customer_id{c_id}, spot_id{s_id}, duration{0}, start{high_resolution_clock::now()}, id{auto_increment_db() + 1} { save_db(); } /* this one initializes with data from the database. should only be used in the query functions. */ Park_time::Park_time(int id_, int customer_id_, int spot_id_, int start_, int duration_) : id{id_}, customer_id{customer_id_}, spot_id{spot_id_}, duration{duration_} { start = time_point(seconds(start_)); end = time_point(seconds(start_ + duration_)); } /* simple checking if customer is clocking out at the right spot. sets end(time of clocking out) and calculates the duration. updates the info in the database. */ void Park_time::clock_out(int c_id, int s_id) { if (c_id != customer_id) { cout << "wrong customer id, you are at the wrong location"; return; } if (s_id != spot_id) { cout << "Wrong spot id, you're at the wrong location"; return; } if (!duration) { end = high_resolution_clock::now(); duration = duration_cast(end - start).count(); // use mins later update_db(); } else { cout << "Already clocked out. Something is wrong \n"; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Park_time& pt) { std::time_t start_ = system_clock::to_time_t(pt.start); std::time_t end_ = system_clock::to_time_t(pt.end); os << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n"; os << "Customer # " << pt.customer_id << "at parking spot " << pt.spot_id << "\n"; os << "Clocked in :" << std::ctime(&start_); os << "clocked out : " << std::ctime(&end_); float dur_h = pt.duration / 3600.0; os << "duration : " << dur_h << " h\n"; os << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n"; return os; } // mostly a helper function to ease the conversion from timepoint to int // for storing in the db int Park_time::start_to_int() { auto start_to_epoch = start.time_since_epoch(); auto start_value = duration_cast(start_to_epoch); int start_seconds = start_value.count(); return start_seconds; } // db funcs // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Park_time::save_db() { /* this creates a sql statement and then executes it */ string statement{"insert into Park_time values ( , , , , , );"}; statement.insert(41, "NULL"); statement.insert(39, "NULL"); statement.insert(37, to_string(start_to_int())); statement.insert(35, to_string(spot_id)); statement.insert(33, to_string(customer_id)); statement.insert(31, to_string(id)); SQLite::Transaction transaction(data::db); data::db.exec(statement); transaction.commit(); } // same as above void Park_time::update_db() { string statement = "UPDATE Park_time SET end = , duration = where id = '';"; statement.insert(53, to_string(id)); statement.insert(40, to_string(duration)); statement.insert(27, to_string(start_to_int() + duration)); data::db.exec(statement); } // to get id on first save to db int Park_time::auto_increment_db() { SQLite::Statement max_id(data::db, "select max(id) from Park_time;"); int id = 0; max_id.executeStep(); id = max_id.getColumn(0); max_id.reset(); return id; } // text animtion void text_animation(const string& text, unsigned int pause_time) { for (const char m : text) // range loop; for each character in string { cout << m << flush; sleep_for(milliseconds(pause_time)); } } // constructors Customer::Customer(string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_, string telephone_, int role_) : id{auto_increment_db() + 1}, name{name_}, password{hash_password(password_)}, vehicle{vehicle_}, telephone{telephone_}, role{role_} { save_db(); } Customer::Customer(int id_, string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_, vector instances, string telephone_, int role_) : id{id_}, name{name_}, password{password_}, vehicle{vehicle_}, park_instances{instances}, telephone{telephone_}, role{role_} {} // clock in/out methods // ==================================================================================== /* Create a p_time object with start=now and adds to vector */ void Customer::clock_in(int s_id) { Park_time pt{id, s_id}; park_instances.push_back(pt); } // edit last p_time object in park_instances so end=now void Customer::clock_out(int s_id) { park_instances[park_instances.size() - 1].clock_out(id, s_id); } bool Customer::parked() { if (!park_instances.size()) { return false; } if ((park_instances[park_instances.size() - 1].duration)) { // if duration of the last parktime == 0, meaning // that the customer has not clocked out return false; } else { return true; } } int Customer::parked_at() { return park_instances[park_instances.size() - 1].spot_id; } //================================================================================================ // functions that interact with the database void Customer::save_db() { string statement{"insert into Customer values (, '', '', ,'', );"}; statement.insert(43, to_string(role)); statement.insert(41, telephone); statement.insert(38, to_string(int(vehicle))); statement.insert(36, password); statement.insert(32, name); statement.insert(29, to_string(id)); SQLite::Transaction transaction(data::db); data::db.exec(statement); transaction.commit(); } void Customer::update_db() { string statement = "UPDATE Customer SET name = '', password = '', " "vehicle = '', telephone = '', role = '' where id = '';"; statement.insert(98, to_string(id)); statement.insert(84, to_string(role)); statement.insert(73, telephone); statement.insert(57, to_string(int(vehicle))); statement.insert(43, password); statement.insert(28, name); data::db.exec(statement); } void Customer::delete_db() { string statement = "delete from Customer where id= ;"; statement.insert(statement.length() - 2, to_string(id)); SQLite::Transaction transaction(data::db); data::db.exec(statement); transaction.commit(); } int Customer::auto_increment_db() { SQLite::Statement max_id(data::db, "select max(id) from Customer;"); int id = 0; max_id.executeStep(); id = max_id.getColumn(0); max_id.reset(); return id; } Park_spot::Park_spot(Vehicle_type v_type_) : parked_customer{0}, id{auto_increment_db() + 1}, taken{false}, v_type{v_type_} { save_db(); } Park_spot::Park_spot(int id_, bool taken_, int parked, Vehicle_type v_type_) : parked_customer{parked}, id{id_}, v_type{v_type_}, taken{taken_} {} // clock in en out, calls de correct customer.clock_x depending on internal state of the spot void Park_spot::clock(Customer& c_customer) { if (!taken) { parked_customer = c_customer.id; taken = true; c_customer.clock_in(id); update_db(); } else { taken = false; c_customer.clock_out(id); parked_customer = 0; update_db(); } } // --------------------- db functs void Park_spot::update_db() { string statement = "UPDATE Park_spot SET taken = '', customer_id = '' where id = '';"; statement.insert(63, to_string(id)); if (taken) { statement.insert(49, to_string(parked_customer)); statement.insert(30, "1"); } else { statement.insert(49, "NULL"); statement.insert(30, "0"); } data::db.exec(statement); } void Park_spot::save_db() { string statement{"insert into Park_spot values ( , , , );"}; statement.insert(36, to_string(int(v_type))); statement.insert(34, "NULL"); statement.insert(32, "0"); statement.insert(30, to_string(id)); SQLite::Transaction transaction(data::db); data::db.exec(statement); transaction.commit(); } void Park_spot::delete_db() { string statement = "delete from Park_spot where id= ;"; statement.insert(statement.length() - 2, to_string(id)); SQLite::Transaction transaction(data::db); data::db.exec(statement); transaction.commit(); } int Park_spot::auto_increment_db() { SQLite::Statement max_id(data::db, "select max(id) from Park_spot;"); int id = 0; max_id.executeStep(); id = max_id.getColumn(0); max_id.reset(); return id; } vector query_parktimes_for_customer(int cid) { /* This is needed to initialize the park_instances for the customer constructor that is supposed to create a customer from data in the db. This should not be called on on it's own outside query_customer(); */ vector park_times; SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE customer_id = ?;"); query.bind(1, cid); while (query.executeStep()) { int id = query.getColumn(0); int spot_id = query.getColumn(2); int start = query.getColumn(3); int duration = query.getColumn(5); Park_time result{id, cid, spot_id, start, duration}; park_times.push_back(result); } query.reset(); return park_times; } //--------------------------------------------- customers Customer query_customer_with_id(int id) { /* do not call this function if you are not certain a customer with this id exists. // the only legitimate caller of this function is query_parkspot_x // there is no error handling in this function // for when this function doesn't find the customer with this id !!!! */ SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE id = ?;"); query.bind(1, id); while (query.executeStep()) { string name = query.getColumn(1); string password = query.getColumn(2); int vehicle = query.getColumn(3); // cast to vehicle string telephone = query.getColumn(4); int role = query.getColumn(5); vector park_instances = query_parktimes_for_customer(id); Customer result{id, name, password, Vehicle_type(vehicle), park_instances, telephone, role}; return result; } } int query_role_customer(int id) { SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE id = ?;"); query.bind(1, id); while (query.executeStep()) { int role = query.getColumn(5); return role; } } //------------------------------- parkspot info // -- parkspots info, report gen Park_spot query_parkspot_with_id(int id, vector& parkspots) { for (Park_spot& i : parkspots) { if (i.id == id) { return i; } } } void reports_from_parkspot(int spotid, pair period) { vector park_times; SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE spot_id = ? AND start > ? AND end < ?;"); query.bind(1, spotid); query.bind(2, period.first); query.bind(3, period.second); while (query.executeStep()) { int id = query.getColumn(0); int cid = query.getColumn(1); int start = query.getColumn(3); int duration = query.getColumn(5); Park_time result{id, cid, spotid, start, duration}; park_times.push_back(result); } query.reset(); for (auto i : park_times) { cout << i; } } void reports_from_allparkspots(pair period) { vector park_times; SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE start > ? AND end < ?;"); query.bind(1, period.first); query.bind(2, period.second); while (query.executeStep()) { int id = query.getColumn(0); int cid = query.getColumn(1); int spotid = query.getColumn(2); int start = query.getColumn(3); int duration = query.getColumn(5); Park_time result{id, cid, spotid, start, duration}; park_times.push_back(result); } query.reset(); for (auto i : park_times) { cout << i; } } void current_status_parkspots(vector& spots) { cout << "P.spot \t\tStatus\t\t Customer\n"; for (auto& i : spots) { cout << "\n" << i.id << "\t\t" << ((i.taken) ? "true" : "false"); if (i.taken) { cout << "\t\t" << i.parked_customer; } } cout << "\n"; } vector reports_from_customer(int cid, pair period) { vector park_times; int verhicle = int(query_customer_with_id(cid).vehicle); float sum = 0; SQLite::Statement query( data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE customer_id = ? AND start > ? AND end < ?;"); query.bind(1, cid); query.bind(2, period.first); query.bind(3, period.second); while (query.executeStep()) { int id = query.getColumn(0); int spotid = query.getColumn(2); int start = query.getColumn(3); int duration = query.getColumn(5); Park_time result{id, cid, spotid, start, duration}; park_times.push_back(result); sum += duration / 3600; } query.reset(); for (auto i : park_times) { cout << std::setprecision(2) << i; sum += i.duration / 3600.0; } cout << "Your fees for this month: $" << std::setprecision(4) << sum * verhicle << "\n"; return park_times; } // I added it to pass spots, because the parking options need it to check where // is free parking_spots is declared in main, and if i declare it // liberal use of // cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); // so it skips to the next newline, in essence clearing the cin buffer void interface(vector& spots) { /* string introduction = "P A R K M A N N E"; //logo animation, disable during testing text_animation(introduction, 50); */ __label__ exit; system("CLS"); cout << "\nWelcome to the parking system. Please login..."; int id; string password; cout << "\nEnter your id: "; cin >> id; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); Customer c = query_customer_with_id(id); cout << "\nEnter your password: "; std::getline(cin, password); while (!(verify_password(c.password, password))) { cout << "ERROR: wrong password. Please retype your password or type [x] to exit:\n"; std::getline(cin, password); if (password == "x") goto exit; } if (query_role_customer(id) == 1) { interface_admin(spots); } else if (query_role_customer(id) == 0) { interface_member(spots, c); } else { cout << "ERROR ROLE_INVALID!"; } exit:; } void interface_member(vector& spots, Customer& c) { __label__ begin, exit; cout << "\nLogged in succesfully!\n"; begin: system("CLS"); cout << "Hello! " << c.name << ", please select an option:\n[1]Parking\n[2]Monthly report\n" "[3]Edit information\n[4]Exit\n"; int option; cin >> option; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); switch (option) { case 1: { park(c, spots); break; } case 2: { report_customer(c.id); string lol; std::cout << "Enter any character to continue..."; std::cin >> lol; break; } case 3: { edit_information(c); break; } case 4: { cout << "Exiting...\n"; sleep_for(seconds(2)); goto exit; break; } default: break; } goto begin; exit:; } void interface_admin(vector& spots) { __label__ begin, exit; begin: system("CLS"); cout << "\nWelcome to the admin interface\n"; cout << "\n[1] Reports & analytics"; cout << "\n[2] Parking spots"; cout << "\n[3] Make new user"; cout << "\n[4] Exit"; cout << "\nEnter option number: "; int option; cin >> option; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); switch (option) { case 1: { cout << "[1] See monthly report of ALL parking spots\n"; cout << "[2] See weekly report of ALL parking spots\n"; cout << "[3] See monthly report of a specific parking spot\n"; cout << "[4] See weekly report of a specific parking spot\n"; cout << "[5] See monthly report of a specific customer\n"; cout << "[6] See weekly report of a specific customer\n"; cout << "[7] Return\n"; cout << "Enter option number: "; int option_1; cin >> option_1; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); switch (option_1) { case 1: { report_all_spots(); break; } case 2: { report_all_spots(true); break; } case 3: { report_single_spot(); break; } case 4: { report_single_spot(true); break; } case 5: { report_customer(0); break; } case 6: { report_customer(0, true); break; } case 7: { goto begin; break; } default: break; } string lol; std::cout << "Enter any character to continue..."; std::cin >> lol; break; } case 2: { cout << "[1] See current status of parking spots\n"; cout << "[2] Make new parking spot\n"; cout << "[3] Return\n"; cout << "Enter option number: "; int option_2; cin >> option_2; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); switch (option_2) { case 1: { current_status_parkspots(spots); string lol; std::cout << "Enter any character to continue..."; std::cin >> lol; break; } case 2: { new_parkspot(spots); break; } case 3: { goto begin; break; } default: break; } break; } case 3: { system("CLS"); cout << "[1] Make new customer\n"; cout << "[2] Make new admin\n"; cout << "[3] Return\n"; cout << "Enter option number: "; int option_3; cin >> option_3; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); switch (option_3) { case 1: { new_customer(); break; } case 2: { new_admin(); break; } case 3: { goto begin; break; } default: break; } case 4: { std::cout << "Exiting..."; sleep_for(seconds(2)); goto exit; break; } break; } default: break; } goto begin; exit:; } // --------- individual things. void park(Customer& c, vector& spots) { __label__ exit; cout << "You have selected parking option.\n"; if (!(c.parked())) { cout << "The following spots fit your vehicle and are available: \n"; for (Park_spot i : spots) { if ((i.v_type == c.vehicle) & (i.taken == false)) { cout << i.id << ", "; } } cout << "\nWhere do you want to park? Or type [0] to exit."; int parkID; cin >> parkID; if (!parkID) goto exit; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); for (Park_spot& i : spots) { if (i.id == parkID) { if (confirm()) { i.clock(c); cout << "You have parked sucessfully!"; } } } } else { cout << "You are parked at spot " << c.parked_at() << ", do you want to clock out?\n[1] Yes\n[2] No"; int answer = 0; cin >> answer; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); if (answer) { query_parkspot_with_id(c.parked_at(), spots).clock(c); cout << "You have sucessfully clocked out."; } else { cout << "OK, have a nice day."; } } exit:; } void new_customer() { int vtype; string name; string password; string telephone; int role = 0; cout << "\nWhat's the name of the customer? "; std::getline(cin, name); cout << "\nWhat's the vehicle type? \n[1]Twowheeler\n[2] Fourwheeler\n"; cin >> vtype; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); cout << "What's the telephone number? +"; std::getline(cin, telephone); cout << "\nWhat's the password? "; std::getline(cin, password); Customer newcustomer{name, password, Vehicle_type(vtype), telephone, role}; cout << "\nNew customer sucessfully created with ID:" << newcustomer.id << "\n"; if (confirm()) newcustomer.update_db(); } void new_admin() { int vtype = 2; // revision required! Needs to be set to NULL string name; string password; string telephone; int role = 1; cout << "\nWhat's the name of the admin? "; std::getline(cin, name); cout << "\nWhat's the telephone number? +"; std::getline(cin, telephone); cout << "\nWhat's the password?"; std::getline(cin, password); Customer newadmin{name, password, Vehicle_type(vtype), telephone, role}; cout << "\nNew customer sucessfully created with ID=" << newadmin.id << "\n"; if (confirm()) newadmin.update_db(); } void new_parkspot(vector& spots) { cout << "What type of parking spot? \n[1] Two-wheeler\n[2] Four-wheeler\n"; int vtype; cin >> vtype; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); Park_spot newspot{Vehicle_type(vtype)}; if (confirm()) { spots.push_back(newspot); cout << "New parking spot sucessfully created.\n"; } } void edit_information(Customer& c) { string string0; int int0; /*std::cout<<"\nInput to update name or press [0] to keep name:\n"; std::getline(cin,string0); if (string0=="0"); else c.name=string0;*/ std::cout << "\n Input to update vehicle to [1]Two-Wheeler," "[2]Four-Wheeler or press [0] to keep vehicle type:\n"; std::cin >> int0; if (!int0) ; else c.vehicle = Vehicle_type(int0); cin.ignore(); std::cout << "\n Input to update password or press [0] to keep current password:\n"; std::getline(cin, string0); if (string0 == "0") ; else c.password = hash_password(string0); std::cout << "\n Input to update phone number or press [0] to keep current number:\n"; std::getline(cin, string0); if (string0 == "0") ; else c.telephone = string0; c.role = 0; if (confirm()) { c.update_db(); } } // time stuff----------------------------------------------------- pair create_month_period() { std::time_t t = std::time(0); std::tm* date = std::localtime(&t); int month, year = 0; cout << "Which month do you want a report on?[6 2018 for June 2018]\n"; cin >> month >> year; date->tm_year = year - 1900; date->tm_mday = 1; date->tm_mon = month - 1; pair period; period.first = mktime(date); date->tm_mon = month; period.second = mktime(date); return period; } pair create_week_period() { std::time_t t = std::time(0); std::tm* date = std::localtime(&t); int day, month, year = 0; cout << "Which month do you want a report on?[ 20 6 2018 for June 20th, 2018]\n"; cin >> day >> month >> year; date->tm_year = year - 1900; date->tm_mday = day; date->tm_mon = month - 1; date->tm_hour = 0; date->tm_min = 0; pair period; period.first = mktime(date); period.second = period.first + 604800; // plus 7 days in seconds. return period; } bool confirm(void) { string ver; std::cout << "\nAre you sure you want to commit these actions?" "\n[No] Revert." "\n[Yes] Commit."; std::cin >> ver; if (ver == "YES" | ver == "Yes" | ver == "yes") { std::cout << "Succes! Changes Saved."; sleep_for(seconds(1)); return true; } else { std::cout << "No changes committed."; sleep_for(seconds(1)); return false; } } // ------------------------------ report stuff void report_all_spots(bool weekly) { pair period; if (weekly) { period = create_week_period(); // remove the pair } else { period = create_month_period(); // ^ } cout << "working timeperiods: " << period.first << ", " << period.second; // DEBUG reports_from_allparkspots(period); // TODO: namechange of reports_from_allparkspots in query? } void report_single_spot(bool weekly) { cout << "Which parking spot would you like a report on?\n"; cout << "Parking spot ID: "; int spotID; cin >> spotID; cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); pair period; if (weekly) { period = create_week_period(); // remove the pair } else { period = create_month_period(); } reports_from_parkspot(spotID, period); } void report_customer(int customerID, bool weekly) { // use report_customer(0) to make interactive // so admin can call the interactive version, but customer can only call // report_customer(own_cid) if (!customerID) { cout << "What customer do you want a report on? ID: "; cin >> customerID; } pair period; if (weekly) { period = create_week_period(); } else { period = create_month_period(); } reports_from_customer(customerID, period); } /* Why is this not in query.cpp? Because somehow, it errors out when it's there. The error message indicates it is a memory issue but I suspect it's a concurrency issue. Do not move this. */ vector populate_spots() { vector spots; SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_spot WHERE id > 0;"); while (query.executeStep()) { int id = query.getColumn(0); int taken = query.getColumn(1); int cid = query.getColumn(2); Vehicle_type vtype = Vehicle_type(int(query.getColumn(3))); spots.push_back({id, taken, cid, vtype}); } return spots; }