175 lines
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175 lines
5.6 KiB
#include "headers/Query.h"
vector<Park_time> query_parktimes_for_customer(int cid) {
This is needed to initialize the park_instances for the customer constructor
that is supposed to create a customer from data in the db.
This should not be called on on it's own outside query_customer();
vector<Park_time> park_times;
SQLite::Statement query(data::db,
"SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE customer_id = ?;");
query.bind(1, cid);
while (query.executeStep()) {
int id = query.getColumn(0);
int spot_id = query.getColumn(2);
int start = query.getColumn(3);
int duration = query.getColumn(5);
Park_time result{id, cid, spot_id, start, duration};
return park_times;
//--------------------------------------------- customers
vector<Customer> query_customer_with_name(string name) {
We use this instead of plain customers because:
1. no error handling needed here if there are no customers
2. multiple customers could be returned with the same name.
vector<Customer> result;
SQLite::Statement query(
"SELECT id, name, password, vehicle FROM Customer WHERE name = ?;");
query.bind(1, name);
while (query.executeStep()) {
int id = query.getColumn(0);
string name_ = query.getColumn(1);
string password = query.getColumn(2);
int vehicle = query.getColumn(3); // cast to vehicle
vector<Park_time> park_instances = query_parktimes_for_customer(id);
id, name_, password, Vehicle_type(vehicle), park_instances});
return result;
Customer query_customer_with_id(int id) {
/* do not call this function if you are not certain a customer with this id
// the only legitimate caller of this function is query_parkspot_x
// there is no error handling in this function
// for when this function doesn't find the customer with this id !!!!
SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE id = ?;");
query.bind(1, id);
while (query.executeStep()) {
string name = query.getColumn(1);
string password = query.getColumn(2);
int vehicle = query.getColumn(3); // cast to vehicle
vector<Park_time> park_instances = query_parktimes_for_customer(id);
Customer result{
id, name, password, Vehicle_type(vehicle), park_instances};
// cout << "{" << result.id << "," <<result.password <<"," <<
// int(vehicle) << "}\n";
return result;
//------------------------------- parkspot info
Park_spot query_parkspot_with_id(int id, vector<Park_spot>& parkspots) {
for (Park_spot& i : parkspots) {
if (i.id == id) {
return i;
void reports_from_parkspot(int spotid, bool weekly) {
std::time_t t = std::time(0); // get time now
std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t);
int s_since_epoch = ((now->tm_year - 70) * 365.2425 * 24 * 3600) +
(now->tm_mon * 30.436875 * 24 * 3600);
if (weekly){
s_since_epoch += ((now->tm_mday/ 7) * 24 * 3600);
vector<Park_time> park_times;
SQLite::Statement query(
data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE spot_id = ? AND start > ?;");
query.bind(1, spotid);
query.bind(2, s_since_epoch);
while (query.executeStep()) {
int id = query.getColumn(0);
int cid = query.getColumn(1);
int start = query.getColumn(3);
int duration = query.getColumn(5);
Park_time result{id, cid, spotid, start, duration};
for (auto i : park_times) {
cout << i;
void reports_from_allparkspots(bool weekly) {
std::time_t t = std::time(0); // get time now
std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t);
int s_since_epoch = ((now->tm_year - 70) * 365.2425 * 24 * 3600) +
(now->tm_mon * 30.436875 * 24 * 3600);
if (weekly){
s_since_epoch += ((now->tm_mday/ 7) * 24 * 3600);
vector<Park_time> park_times;
SQLite::Statement query(
data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_time WHERE start > ?;");
query.bind(1, s_since_epoch);
while (query.executeStep()) {
int id = query.getColumn(0);
int cid = query.getColumn(1);
int spotid = query.getColumn(2);
int start = query.getColumn(3);
int duration = query.getColumn(5);
Park_time result{id, cid, spotid, start, duration};
for (auto i : park_times) {
cout << i;
void current_status_parkspots(vector<Park_spot>& spots){
for(auto& i : spots){
cout << "---------------------------\n";
cout << "PS #" << i.id << "\n";
cout << "Taken: " << ((i.taken) ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
if (i.taken){
cout << "Customer#" << i.parked_customer << " parked there\n";
// -------------- paroking spots
// vector<Park_spot> populate_spots(){
// vector<Park_spot> spots;
// SQLite::Statement query(data::db, "SELECT * FROM Park_spot WHERE id >
// 0;");
// // query.bind(1, 2);
// while (query.executeStep()) {
// int id = query.getColumn(0);
// int taken = query.getColumn(1);
// int cid = query.getColumn(2);
// // park_customers.push_back(query_customer_with_id(cid));
// spots.push_back({id, taken, cid});
// }
// return spots;
// }