2019-06-27 00:32:09 -03:00

478 lines
17 KiB

* @file Statement.cpp
* @ingroup SQLiteCpp
* @brief A prepared SQLite Statement is a compiled SQL query ready to be executed, pointing to a row of result.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Sebastien Rombauts (
* Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt
* or copy at
#include <SQLiteCpp/Statement.h>
#include <SQLiteCpp/Database.h>
#include <SQLiteCpp/Column.h>
#include <SQLiteCpp/Assertion.h>
#include <SQLiteCpp/Exception.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
namespace SQLite
// Compile and register the SQL query for the provided SQLite Database Connection
Statement::Statement(Database& aDatabase, const char* apQuery)
mStmtPtr(aDatabase.mpSQLite, mQuery)
, // prepare the SQL query, and ref count (needs Database friendship)
mColumnCount = sqlite3_column_count(mStmtPtr);
// Compile and register the SQL query for the provided SQLite Database Connection
Statement::Statement(Database& aDatabase, const std::string& aQuery)
mStmtPtr(aDatabase.mpSQLite, mQuery)
, // prepare the SQL query, and ref count (needs Database friendship)
mColumnCount = sqlite3_column_count(mStmtPtr);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600)
Statement::Statement(Statement&& aStatement) noexcept
aStatement.mColumnCount = 0;
aStatement.mbHasRow = false;
aStatement.mbDone = false;
// Finalize and unregister the SQL query from the SQLite Database Connection.
// the finalization will be done by the destructor of the last shared pointer
// Reset the statement to make it ready for a new execution (see also #clearBindings() bellow)
void Statement::reset()
const int ret = tryReset();
int Statement::tryReset() noexcept
mbHasRow = false;
mbDone = false;
return sqlite3_reset(mStmtPtr);
// Clears away all the bindings of a prepared statement (can be associated with #reset() above).
void Statement::clearBindings()
const int ret = sqlite3_clear_bindings(mStmtPtr);
// Bind an int value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const int aValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_int(mStmtPtr, aIndex, aValue);
// Bind a 32bits unsigned int value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const unsigned aValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_int64(mStmtPtr, aIndex, aValue);
// Bind a 64bits int value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const long long aValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_int64(mStmtPtr, aIndex, aValue);
// Bind a double (64bits float) value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const double aValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_double(mStmtPtr, aIndex, aValue);
// Bind a string value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const std::string& aValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, aIndex, aValue.c_str(),
static_cast<int>(aValue.size()), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
// Bind a text value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const char* apValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, aIndex, apValue, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
// Bind a binary blob value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const void* apValue, const int aSize)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_blob(mStmtPtr, aIndex, apValue, aSize, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
// Bind a string value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bindNoCopy(const int aIndex, const std::string& aValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, aIndex, aValue.c_str(),
static_cast<int>(aValue.size()), SQLITE_STATIC);
// Bind a text value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bindNoCopy(const int aIndex, const char* apValue)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, aIndex, apValue, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
// Bind a binary blob value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bindNoCopy(const int aIndex, const void* apValue, const int aSize)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_blob(mStmtPtr, aIndex, apValue, aSize, SQLITE_STATIC);
// Bind a NULL value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex)
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_null(mStmtPtr, aIndex);
// Bind an int value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const int aValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_int(mStmtPtr, index, aValue);
// Bind a 32bits unsigned int value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const unsigned aValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_int64(mStmtPtr, index, aValue);
// Bind a 64bits int value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const long long aValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_int64(mStmtPtr, index, aValue);
// Bind a double (64bits float) value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const double aValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_double(mStmtPtr, index, aValue);
// Bind a string value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const std::string& aValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, index, aValue.c_str(),
static_cast<int>(aValue.size()), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
// Bind a text value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const char* apValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, index, apValue, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
// Bind a binary blob value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const void* apValue, const int aSize)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_blob(mStmtPtr, index, apValue, aSize, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
// Bind a string value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bindNoCopy(const char* apName, const std::string& aValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, index, aValue.c_str(),
static_cast<int>(aValue.size()), SQLITE_STATIC);
// Bind a text value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bindNoCopy(const char* apName, const char* apValue)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_text(mStmtPtr, index, apValue, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
// Bind a binary blob value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bindNoCopy(const char* apName, const void* apValue, const int aSize)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_blob(mStmtPtr, index, apValue, aSize, SQLITE_STATIC);
// Bind a NULL value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName)
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
const int ret = sqlite3_bind_null(mStmtPtr, index);
// Execute a step of the query to fetch one row of results
bool Statement::executeStep()
const int ret = tryExecuteStep();
if ((SQLITE_ROW != ret) && (SQLITE_DONE != ret)) // on row or no (more) row ready, else it's a problem
if (ret == sqlite3_errcode(mStmtPtr))
throw SQLite::Exception(mStmtPtr, ret);
throw SQLite::Exception("Statement needs to be reseted", ret);
return mbHasRow; // true only if one row is accessible by getColumn(N)
// Execute a one-step query with no expected result
int Statement::exec()
const int ret = tryExecuteStep();
if (SQLITE_DONE != ret) // the statement has finished executing successfully
if (SQLITE_ROW == ret)
throw SQLite::Exception("exec() does not expect results. Use executeStep.");
else if (ret == sqlite3_errcode(mStmtPtr))
throw SQLite::Exception(mStmtPtr, ret);
throw SQLite::Exception("Statement needs to be reseted", ret);
// Return the number of rows modified by those SQL statements (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE)
return sqlite3_changes(mStmtPtr);
int Statement::tryExecuteStep() noexcept
if (false == mbDone)
const int ret = sqlite3_step(mStmtPtr);
if (SQLITE_ROW == ret) // one row is ready : call getColumn(N) to access it
mbHasRow = true;
else if (SQLITE_DONE == ret) // no (more) row ready : the query has finished executing
mbHasRow = false;
mbDone = true;
mbHasRow = false;
mbDone = false;
return ret;
// Statement needs to be reseted !
// Return a copy of the column data specified by its index starting at 0
// (use the Column copy-constructor)
Column Statement::getColumn(const int aIndex)
// Share the Statement Object handle with the new Column created
return Column(mStmtPtr, aIndex);
// Return a copy of the column data specified by its column name starting at 0
// (use the Column copy-constructor)
Column Statement::getColumn(const char* apName)
const int index = getColumnIndex(apName);
// Share the Statement Object handle with the new Column created
return Column(mStmtPtr, index);
// Test if the column is NULL
bool Statement::isColumnNull(const int aIndex) const
return (SQLITE_NULL == sqlite3_column_type(mStmtPtr, aIndex));
bool Statement::isColumnNull(const char* apName) const
const int index = getColumnIndex(apName);
return (SQLITE_NULL == sqlite3_column_type(mStmtPtr, index));
// Return the named assigned to the specified result column (potentially aliased)
const char* Statement::getColumnName(const int aIndex) const
return sqlite3_column_name(mStmtPtr, aIndex);
// Return the named assigned to the specified result column (potentially aliased)
const char* Statement::getColumnOriginName(const int aIndex) const
return sqlite3_column_origin_name(mStmtPtr, aIndex);
// Return the index of the specified (potentially aliased) column name
int Statement::getColumnIndex(const char* apName) const
// Build the map of column index by name on first call
if (mColumnNames.empty())
for (int i = 0; i < mColumnCount; ++i)
const char* pName = sqlite3_column_name(mStmtPtr, i);
mColumnNames[pName] = i;
const TColumnNames::const_iterator iIndex = mColumnNames.find(apName);
if (iIndex == mColumnNames.end())
throw SQLite::Exception("Unknown column name.");
return (*iIndex).second;
int Statement::getBindParameterCount() const noexcept
return sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(mStmtPtr);
// Return the numeric result code for the most recent failed API call (if any).
int Statement::getErrorCode() const noexcept // nothrow
return sqlite3_errcode(mStmtPtr);
// Return the extended numeric result code for the most recent failed API call (if any).
int Statement::getExtendedErrorCode() const noexcept // nothrow
return sqlite3_extended_errcode(mStmtPtr);
// Return UTF-8 encoded English language explanation of the most recent failed API call (if any).
const char* Statement::getErrorMsg() const noexcept // nothrow
return sqlite3_errmsg(mStmtPtr);
// Return a UTF-8 string containing the SQL text of prepared statement with bound parameters expanded.
std::string Statement::getExpandedSQL()
char* expanded = sqlite3_expanded_sql(mStmtPtr);
std::string expandedString(expanded);
return expandedString;
// Internal class : shared pointer to the sqlite3_stmt SQLite Statement Object
* @brief Prepare the statement and initialize its reference counter
* @param[in] apSQLite The sqlite3 database connexion
* @param[in] aQuery The SQL query string to prepare
Statement::Ptr::Ptr(sqlite3* apSQLite, std::string& aQuery)
const int ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(apSQLite, aQuery.c_str(), static_cast<int>(aQuery.size()), &mpStmt, NULL);
if (SQLITE_OK != ret)
throw SQLite::Exception(apSQLite, ret);
// Initialize the reference counter of the sqlite3_stmt :
// used to share the mStmtPtr between Statement and Column objects;
// This is needed to enable Column objects to live longer than the Statement objet it refers to.
mpRefCount = new unsigned int(1); // NOLINT(readability/casting)
* @brief Copy constructor increments the ref counter
* @param[in] aPtr Pointer to copy
Statement::Ptr::Ptr(const Statement::Ptr& aPtr)
assert(NULL != mpRefCount);
assert(0 != *mpRefCount);
// Increment the reference counter of the sqlite3_stmt,
// asking not to finalize the sqlite3_stmt during the lifetime of the new objet
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600)
Statement::Ptr::Ptr(Ptr&& aPtr)
aPtr.mpSQLite = NULL;
aPtr.mpStmt = NULL;
aPtr.mpRefCount = NULL;
* @brief Decrement the ref counter and finalize the sqlite3_stmt when it reaches 0
if (NULL != mpRefCount)
assert(0 != *mpRefCount);
// Decrement and check the reference counter of the sqlite3_stmt
if (0 == *mpRefCount)
// If count reaches zero, finalize the sqlite3_stmt, as no Statement nor Column objet use it anymore.
// No need to check the return code, as it is the same as the last statement evaluation.
// and delete the reference counter
delete mpRefCount;
mpRefCount = NULL;
mpStmt = NULL;
// else, the finalization will be done later, by the last object
} // namespace SQLite