
61 lines
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#ifndef CUSTOMER_H
#define CUSTOMER_H
#pragma once
#include "Park_time.h"
#include "data.h"
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
enum classes make it easy to represent categories.
So you can use something like Vehicle_type::car instead of 2. but under the
hood, it's still an int. This is here so you won't have to have global variables
for these categories, or worse, use magic numbers in the code.
enum class Vehicle_type { twoweeler = 1, fourweeler = 2 };
Customer constructors do the same stuff as all the other constructors.
clock_in and out create and modify park_time objects and store them to
park_instances. Technically, now that we have a working db, we don't need it.
TODO: fix this.
gen_monthly just prints out all the park_time objects in park_instances.
It should (and can safely) be removed, but it's here as a quick example of
report generation It has no logic to speak of that only generates report of
ptime objects of this month.
TODO: remove when have seperate report generation functions.
save, update, delete and auto increment are the same as in park_time.
class Customer {
int id;
string name;
string password;
Vehicle_type vehicle;
string telephone;
int role;
Customer(string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_, string telephone_, int role);
Customer(int id_, string name_, string password_, Vehicle_type vehicle_,
vector<Park_time> instances, string telephone_);
void clock_in(int s_id);
void clock_out(int s_id);
bool parked();
int parked_at();
void update_db();
void delete_db();
vector<Park_time> park_instances;
void save_db();
int auto_increment_db();
#endif // CUSTOMER_H