# how to host the site currently nu we werken eraan, wil je dat hugo constantly reload wanneer het changes detect daarvoor wil je hugo downloaden en instaleren https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing als het geinstalleerd is, git clone deze repo en run `hugo server -D` in je repo als onze website up is en we aanpassingen doen, nieuws toevoegen, etc, run `hugo server -D` 1 keer om static content te generaten, commit en push. om te hosten, just clone repo and host this folder with nginx/azure static thingy/something # icons als je icons wilt replacen of nieuwe wilt toevoegen, https://themify.me/themify-icons is de icon set die de site gebruikt. # layout This be a section on where various things are stored. /data/en has all the homepage sections config.toml zet je welke sections je wilt includen in homepage their images are stored in /static/images/portfolio /content is for news/blog /resources/gen is ???? /themes/megna-hugo is the theme. * layouts contain the templates used * static seems to be for js library stuff * assets/css is for css. style is the one in use, and custom is if you want to override without figuring out where you'd need to change something. # TODO - [ ] Figure out static contact form