mirror of https://aur.archlinux.org/firedragon.git synced 2024-12-25 20:24:14 +00:00
2024-02-19 13:52:55 -05:00

82 lines
2.6 KiB

pkgbase = firedragon
pkgdesc = Floorp fork build using custom branding & settings
pkgver = 11.10.2
pkgrel = 1
epoch = 1
url = http://dr460nf1r3.org
install = firedragon.install
arch = x86_64
license = MPL2
makedepends = cbindgen
makedepends = clang
makedepends = diffutils
makedepends = dump_syms
makedepends = imagemagick
makedepends = imake
makedepends = inetutils
makedepends = git
makedepends = jack
makedepends = lld
makedepends = llvm
makedepends = mesa
makedepends = mold
makedepends = nasm
makedepends = nodejs
makedepends = python
makedepends = rust
makedepends = unzip
makedepends = wasi-compiler-rt
makedepends = wasi-libc
makedepends = wasi-libc++
makedepends = wasi-libc++abi
makedepends = xorg-server-xvfb
makedepends = yasm
makedepends = zip
depends = dbus
depends = dbus-glib
depends = ffmpeg
depends = gtk3
depends = libevent
depends = libjpeg
depends = libpulse
depends = libvpx
depends = libwebp
depends = libxss
depends = libxt
depends = mime-types
depends = nss
depends = pipewire
depends = ttf-font
depends = zlib
optdepends = hunspell-dictionary: Spell checking
optdepends = libnotify: Notification integration
optdepends = networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks
optdepends = profile-sync-daemon: Load the browser profile into RAM
optdepends = pulseaudio: Audio support
optdepends = searx: Searching the web using a locally running searX instance
optdepends = speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech
optdepends = whoogle: Searching the web using a locally running Whoogle instance
optdepends = xdg-desktop-portal: Screensharing with Wayland
replaces = firedragon-next
options = !debug
options = !emptydirs
options = !lto
options = !makeflags
options = !strip
backup = usr/lib/firedragon/firedragon.cfg
backup = usr/lib/firedragon/distribution/policies.json
source = https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Floorp/archive/refs/tags/v11.10.2.tar.gz
source = floorp-core::git+https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Floorp-core#commit=588aa1666d1d1ff2002bd340b5bab69d675c5f2e
source = floorp-l10n-central::git+https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Unified-l10n-central#commit=6a9a5a51e045a3a2c2d4a401eaa38a7aa0f7d9ef
source = common::git+https://gitlab.com/garuda-linux/firedragon/common.git
source = settings::git+https://gitlab.com/garuda-linux/firedragon/settings.git
source = firedragon.desktop
sha256sums = 5b228de39257fd0abd07f29d1edb789efd9b6cb1634c8e93451273825ff86613
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = 53d3e743f3750522318a786befa196237892c93f20571443fdf82a480e7f0560
pkgname = firedragon