/* *Student: S.K Soekhlal * Number: 4860632 * Assignment: 3.3 */ #include #include #include int is_prime(int number){ /*Function decleration and definition */ int x; if(number < 2){ /*If number is 0 or 1, it is not prime*/ return 0; } for(x=2; pow(x,2)<=number; x++){ /*using for loop to determine if input is not prime*/ if (number%x == 0){ /*If remainder of input/x^2 = 0 then the number is not prime*/ return 0; } } return 1; } int main(){ int lower_limit,upper_limit,i; /*Declaring variables*/ scanf("%d%d",&lower_limit,&upper_limit); /*Storing user input in lower and upper limit variables*/ for(i=lower_limit; i <= upper_limit; i++){ /*using for loop to call is_prime function to calculate if the number is prime*/ if(is_prime(i) == 1){ printf("%d\n",i); } } return 0; }