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78 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd $(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)
# Set the path of the generated Dockerfile
export DOCKERFILE=".build/Dockerfile"
export STACKS_DIR=".build/docker-stacks"
# Clone if docker-stacks doesn't exist, and pull.
ls $STACKS_DIR/README.md > /dev/null 2>&1 || (echo "Docker-stacks was not found, cloning repository" \
&& git clone https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks.git $STACKS_DIR)
git pull -f $STACKS_DIR
# Write the contents into the DOCKERFILE and start with the header
cat src/Dockerfile.header > $DOCKERFILE
cp src/jupyter_notebook_config.json .build/
echo "
#################### Dependency: jupyter/base-image ########################
cat $STACKS_DIR/base-notebook/Dockerfile | grep -v BASE_CONTAINER >> $DOCKERFILE
cp $STACKS_DIR/base-notebook/fix-permissions .build/
cp $STACKS_DIR/base-notebook/jupyter_notebook_config.py .build/
cp $STACKS_DIR/base-notebook/start.sh .build/
cp $STACKS_DIR/base-notebook/start-notebook.sh .build/
cp $STACKS_DIR/base-notebook/start-singleuser.sh .build/
echo "
################# Dependency: jupyter/minimal-notebook #####################
cat $STACKS_DIR/minimal-notebook/Dockerfile | grep -v BASE_CONTAINER >> $DOCKERFILE
echo "
################# Dependency: jupyter/scipy-notebook #######################
cat $STACKS_DIR/scipy-notebook/Dockerfile | grep -v BASE_CONTAINER >> $DOCKERFILE
echo "
################ Dependency: jupyter/datascience-notebook ##################
cat $STACKS_DIR/datascience-notebook/Dockerfile | grep -v BASE_CONTAINER >> $DOCKERFILE
echo "
################ Dependency: jupyter/tensorflow-notebook ###################
cat $STACKS_DIR/tensorflow-notebook/Dockerfile | grep -v BASE_CONTAINER >> $DOCKERFILE
# Note that the following step also installs the cudatoolkit, which is
# essential to access the GPU.
echo "
########################## Dependency: pytorch #############################
cat src/Dockerfile.pytorch >> $DOCKERFILE
echo "
############################ Useful packages ###############################
cat src/Dockerfile.usefulpackages >> $DOCKERFILE
cp $DOCKERFILE Dockerfile
echo "GPU Dockerfile was generated sucessfully in file $(pwd)/${DOCKERFILE} and copied to ./Dockerfile"
echo "Run 'bash run_Dockerfile.sh -p [PORT]' to start the GPU-based Juyterlab instance."