import json import requests from datetime import datetime from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Column, Table with open("items.json", "r") as itfile: itemnames = json.load(itfile) qualities = { 1 : " normal", 2 : " good", 3 : " outstanding", 4 : " excellent", 5 : " masterpiece" } def fetch_data(): step = 200 responses = [] for i in range(0,5850,step): print(i) items = ",".join(list(itemnames.keys())[i:i+step]) url = "{}?locations=3005,3003".format(items) content = requests.get(url).content toolong = b'\r\n414 Request-URI Too Large\r\n\r\n

414 Request-URI Too Large

\r\n\r\n\r\n' if content == toolong: print("TOOOOO LONG") else: responses.append(content) black = {} caer = {} for j in responses: j = json.loads(j) for item in j: name = itemnames[item["item_id"]] + qualities[item["quality"]] if item["city"] == "Black Market": black[name] = item["buy_price_max"] else: caer[name] = item["sell_price_min"] profits = [] for k in black.keys(): if not black[k] or not caer[k]: continue if black[k] < caer[k]: continue profit = black[k] * 0.94 - caer[k] profits.append((profit, black[k] * 0.94, caer[k], k)) profits = sorted(profits) return profits def print_data(items): #list of (blackmarketprice, caer price, itemname) console = Console() table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="bold green") table.add_column("Item") table.add_column("Profit(tax removed)") table.add_column("Caer price") table.add_column("Black market price") for i in items: if i[0] < 500: continue row = [i[3], str(i[0]/1000) + "k",str(i[2]/1000) + "k", str(i[1]/1000) + "k"] table.add_row(*row) console.print(table) print_data(fetch_data())