import multiprocessing import os import json bind = "" workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1 preload_app = True # By preloading an application you can save some RAM resources as well as speed up server boot times keepalive = 5 # daemon = True # Detaches the server from the controlling terminal and enters the background. disabled for now # logging with open("settings.json", "r") as jfile: settings = json.load(jfile) errorlog = settings["LOGFOLDER"] + "/gunicorn_error.log" loglevel = "warning" accesslog = settings["LOGFOLDER"] + "/gunicorn_access.log" if not os.path.isdir("/usr/src/app/data/logs"): os.mkdir("/usr/src/app/data/logs") if not os.path.isfile(errorlog): os.system('touch {}'.format(errorlog)) if not os.path.isfile(accesslog): os.system('touch {}'.format(accesslog)) capture_output = True # debug settings which need to be commented out in prod # reload=True # reload_engine = "inotify" # I only went till the section there are more settings # some of them might be useful