`cmake .. -G "<Build System>"` and then whatever command the build system uses.
For example, with unix maketools:
`cmake -G "Unix makefiles"`
But if you still got the same config as the one we all used for parkmanne, you should have vscode + cmaketools plugin. In which case, just press build.
Install boost. (https://www.boost.org/) should just be `pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-boost` in the msys2 shell. If you still have the same install as the parkmanne project, you already have this installed.
If you don't for some reason, see command above. If you don't have the same setup anymore, ask me. Stefan, it is `apt install libboost-all-dev` on ubuntu if i remember correctly. `pacman -S boost-libs` on manjaro.
Also, this is only tested on linux. It *should* work on windows. I remember it working on windows, but I recently did a fresh install on windows after getting an SSD and I'm having trouble configuring clang to work for projects I was able to compile in the past.
Also, make sure your compiler supports C++17. That should be the latest versions all major compilers (clang 5+, gcc 7+, msvc 19.14+ (Visual studio 2017+))