2020-08-15 11:00:25 -03:00

1.3 KiB

non docker stuff

  1. clone repo
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. install gunicorn and nginx
  4. move this nginx.conf to /etc/nginx
  5. make whatever user nginx runs as (in this case, massiveatoms) the owner of calibredir
  6. give execute permissions to parent of calibredir
  7. cd to repo, run gunicorn CalibreWebCompanion.wsgi
  8. start nginx sudo systemctl restart nginx

Slight issues with this atm:

  1. server_name in nginx.conf needs to be changed
  2. User needs to be edited in nginx.conf, now it's just my user acc. This affectd step 4-6
  3. where to do ssl?


  1. We might want to use sockets instead of ip/port?
  2. logging
  3. autostart gunicorn/nginx
  4. some extra instrumentation for gunicorn

docker stuff

here are the commands i use to build and run:

  1. build --tag calibreweb:1.0.1 . -f ./deployment/Dockerfile
docker run --publish 8000:80\ 
-v '/home/massiveatoms/Desktop/logs:/usr/src/app/data' \
-v '/run/media/massiveatoms/1AEEEA6EEEEA421D/Documents and Settings/MassiveAtoms/Documents/Calibre Library/:/usr/src/app/calibredir' \
--name cw calibreweb:1.0.1

Docker stuff to fix:

  1. permission/ownership issue with volumes and nginx
  2. we need a setup script that changes secretkey, and generates the default db